18% ABV | 750ML
When mixed, the chicha morada liqueur lends a transparent purple hue to cocktails. The deep color of Miraflores comes from the skin of organic grapes and the purple corn, that also lends itself to the slightly viscous body of the liqueur.
Fresh, sweet and spiced - all of the familiar scents of baked apples, cinnamon toast, a pumpkin pie and even gingerbread come together in a layered and rich aromatic profile.
Notes of green apple, pineapple and spices are apparent as the velvety purple corn and brown sugar lightly coat the palate. Then comes the complexity, building with each sip and bursting with notes of sweet orange peel, nutmeg and cassis which then refreshingly reinvents itself once again with the addition of a splash of fresh lime juice.
Miraflores has endless layers of flavor that start out simple and then become more complex and nuanced with each sip of the liqueur.
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